Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Cable Television Consumer Protection And Competition Act...
When the rise of cable television began there were many local broadcasters who were worried about what sort of financial state they would be left in once audiences decided to switch over to much larger networks. Time went on and many attempts at regulating cable companies became bigger and bigger issues. The larger networks could reach across the nation, and by doing so would have effectively rendered the local network useless. The people were growing weary of the services provided by the cable companies, as well as the price at which they had been charging for those services. Realizing that this could become a greater issue Congress endeavored to settle this debacle by making the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992. This law would require cable providers to set aside channels so that local or public broadcasters could take place in the vacant airwaves, which would effectively keep them all from going out of business under the pressure of larger cable net works. The Federal Communications Commission would be responsible for any sort of actions to be taken to ensure that the Act was properly set into place. For those who worked under local and public broadcasting this was the greatest kind of victory, but not everyone was happy about the decision to enact this law. The Act caused many dissenting opinions within the cable industry as they appealed to the courts with the intention of proving that a must-carry policy is unconstitutional. (Ugland,Show MoreRelatedAs The Attitudes Of American Households Begin To Shift,1670 Words  | 7 Pagesviewership of consumers. At its simplest form, this new rule would allow television consumers to have the option to pick and choose the individual television channels they desire to pay for, instead of having to pay for an entire cable â€Å"package†, while still including the â€Å"basic†cable service. Essentially, this new regulation would force cable TV providers to allow the opti on for an à la carte pricing rate for expanded cable television services. While the proposed rule would make cable providersRead MoreFirst Amendment Status of Cable TV v. Broadcast700 Words  | 3 PagesFirst Amendment Status of Cable TV v. Broadcast Electronic media content can be viewed differently according to personal opinions, but the First Amendment Rights of the United States Constitution lay the foundation for the legal system that is to be followed. These rights form a guide that help citizens have a stronger grasp on what is and isn’t acceptable within the eye of the law. Narrowing down to electronic media content, there has been a rise of tension involving first amendment rights ofRead MoreWhy Federal Communication Commission Has Legal Authority Regulate Media Ownership2587 Words  | 11 Pagesstatues that gave way to the regulation. The FCC was created by the Communications Act of 1934. The Communications Act of 1934 replaced the Radio Act of 1927, and the FCC superseded the FRC (Federal Radio Commission). This act â€Å"called for the government to regulate in the public interest and foreign communications by radio and wire.†The FCC can be traced back to the Wireless Ship Act of 1910. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Marriage Is A Life And Social Family Affair - 845 Words
Marriage Marriages are suppose to be a lifetime of commitment towards love and care amongst people, yet most marriages seem to be falling apart due to the increasing numbers of problems within the relationship whether it is lack of communication, rushing into the marriage, or focusing on the glitz and the glam of planning the perfect wedding. Does marriage always mean love? When two people make a binding commitment to spend the rest of their lives together does it always last? Marriage is a union between man and women, typically recognized by law in which they become husband and wife. Marriage may come in different forms and means different things within different cultures, for example in West Africa a marriage is a spiritual and social family affair that combines two lives, two families, or even two communities. In India marriage is seen as a way to bring a family closer together and parents usually arrange the marriage a spouse for their sons, or daughters. But marriage has become unvalue d overtime. The divorce rates amongst couples have been increasing. These days marriage does not always mean a happily ever after. Marriage has become more about the glitz and the glam of planning/ having the perfect wedding, finding the perfect wedding and living a fairly tail life. Rather than focusing on planning your life together with someone, finding a compatible mate, and learning how to deal with the person you are about to commit to. People spend thousands of dollars and monthsShow MoreRelatedThe Significance Of Being Earnest, By Oscar Wilde1305 Words  | 6 Pagesof social norms. Satire is the hyperbolic expressions of absurdity, which provides clarity through sarcasm and offensive exaggerations to project a society’s ethics. In Oscar Wilde’s play, The Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde exposes the absurdity of Victorian aristocratic social propriety. Wilde utilizes numerous ironic puns and sarcasm in order to satirize Victorian social responsibilities concerned with marriage, social masking, and education. Wilde’s play explores the notion of social responsibilityRead MoreRise of Divorce Essay907 Words  | 4 Pagescouples who divorced is accelerating and becoming a social problem. According to an authoritative international organization, the Chinese Academy of Social Science, the number of divorces increased more than six fold from less than 35 million in 1980 to more than 220 million in 2008. These alarming data has aroused profound concern, and many sociologists are investigating this social issue. The problems principally come from the aspects of social factors, parental problems, and personal causes. ThereforeRead MoreGetting to Know the Machà ³n Family882 Words  | 3 PagesThe Machà ³n family is made up of a man and a wife, Ivonne and Marvin Machà ³n; some might classify them as a companionate family. The couple lives in El Monte, CA and has been married for 3 years. When it comes to social class they are considered to be apart of the working class. A family is d escribed in textbook terms as a bond by emotional, biological, economic attachments. But when the couple was asked to describe what they believe to be a family they responded by saying, â€Å"If I feel an emotionalRead MoreInfidelity and Confidentiality: A Dilema for Therapists Essays1399 Words  | 6 PagesIn addition, a couple where one spouse admits to an affair to the therapist without their spouse’s knowledge can be equally distressing to said counselor. What are the ethical concerns regarding this scenario? In one case we are keeping our client’s confidences, building trust and following all ethical codes of confidentiality. In another case, we could possibly cause harm by keeping the client’s spouse in the dark about the affair. The fact that we aid the spouse in harboring this secretRead MoreAnalysis Of The Swimmer1452 Words  | 6 PagesHow Economic Class Effects Life In â€Å"The Swimmer†In The Swimmer a short story by John Cheever a man named Neddy Merrill decides to swim across every pool in the county naming his route the Lucinda River after his wife. As he goes on this journey some of his neighbors are nice, some show pity, and others show distaste for him. Throughout the story Cheever gives subtle hints that Neddy is disoriented as he doesn’t remember key details of things that have happened to his friends in the area. At theRead MoreAnalysis Of The New York Times By Nicholas D. Quot950 Words  | 4 PagesThe concept that marriage can occur, endure, and succeed without the factor of love seems to be common in many other places in the world. â€Å"Who Needs Love! In Japan, Many Couples Don’t,†by Nicholas D. Kristof published in the New York Times in 1996 explores the aspects and success of loveless marriage in Japan beginning with Yuri Uemura of Omiya, Japan. The article opens with a small description of the setting of the interview and the blunt fact that there was never any marriage between Yuri andRead MoreRelationship Between The Child And Parent922 Words  | 4 Pagesrelationship between the child and parent. Chinua Achebe in his book, Marriage is a Private Affair developed this theme in the marriage perception outlining the conflict that occurred between a father and his son (Achebe 22). On the other hand, Alice Walker in her book, Everyday Use, developed a story of family who consist of a mother and her two daughters. One of her daughters proved to be rebellious and went against the family norms (Walker 47). This paper will outline some of the similaritiesRead MoreWhy Is Lydia’s Elopement Perceived As a Disaster and How Does It Affect the Relationship of Elizabeth and Darcy?963 Words  | 4 Pageswas able to capture the reality of life on paper. The situations she is presenting in her books are very likely to happen in real life too. It is also the case of story of Lydia Bennet and her elopement with Mr Wickham. It was perceived as a disaster, but for the modern reader it can be rather incomprehensible. Why was Lydia’s elopement so scandalous? Kristen Koster is explaining why it was more difficult for couples to get married then before: in 1753 The Marriage Act, or the Hardwicke Act, was publishedRead MoreArguments for and Against the Practice of Arranged Marriage1701 Words  | 7 Pagesagainst the practice of Arranged Marriage According to Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica (2009), for Indians, most marriages are arranged by family elderly based on caste, degree of cognation, financial status, education (if any), and astrology. In the article entitled â€Å"Marriage: Is love necessary?†in Little India on 2nd June 2007, Sudhir Kakar upholds the practice of arranged marriages among Indians. The article focuses on how the establishment of an arranged marriage is tantamount to the vision of loveRead MoreSexual Infidelity Is An Issue1223 Words  | 5 PagesSexual infidelity is an issue most couples don’t like to thinks about when they are considering marriage. 85 percent of adults marry in their life-times. 94 percent expect to marry their soul-mate and maintain a life-long, monogamous relationship until death. Unfortunately 40% of men and women who divorce report having been unfaithful during their marriage (Gordon, Baucom and Synder, 2008). Infidelity can evoke feelings of anger, resentment, fea r and hurt to the wronged partner and guilt, shame and
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Human Rights Education and Curriculum free essay sample
This paper looks closely at the problems in the educational system in Pakistan. The author argues that if human rights organizations are to strengthen the preventative aspects of their work and make social education a cornerstone of their activities, they must meet this need, and work out the methodologies for doing so very carefully. In 1995 a group of individuals, alarmed with the potential impact of the prevailing situation in Karachi on children, started looking at practical ways to deal with this issue. They felt that the long term aim of creating a civil, humane and peaceful society could be met if children were given a socially relevant education that creates opportunities to understand, appreciate and internalize the whole spectrum of human rights issues. Through intervening by positively altering childrens attitudes, values and perceptions with regard to human rights and motivating them to take greater interest in their communities and interact with them, it was felt that a foundation could be laid for a stronger society in future. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Rights Education and Curriculum or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Beatles Essays (591 words) - Counterculture Of The 1960s
The Beatles The Beatles to this day are one of the most famous and popular rock 'n roll groups in the world. The Beatles include George Harrison, John Lennon(1940-1980), Paul McCartney, and Richard Starkey(Ringo Starr). All of the Beatles where born and raised in Liverpool, England. John Lennon was considered the leader of the band. George Harrison was the lead guitarist. John Lennon was a song writer, one of the two lead singers, and rhythm guitarist. Paul McCartney was a song writer, one of the two lead singers, and a bassist. Ringo Starr played the drums. John Lennon's first band was called the Quarrymen (named after his High School). None of the three Beatles were in this band. Paul joined the group in 1957 and Harrison joined in 1958. They played with bass guitarist Sut Sutcliffe, and Pete Best, a drummer. Sutcliffe left in 1961 and Ringo Starr joined the band. Pete Best was asked to leave the band on April 16, 1962. He was considered the Beatles undisputed sex symbol. The Beatles were discovered on November 9, 1961 by Brian Epstein, a manager of a record store in Liverpool as well as an x British Army soldier. The Beatles first two song were "Love Me Do" and "Please, Please Me." The Beatles starred in two movies, "A Hard Days Night," and "Help." They also had their own full length cartoon called "Yellow Submarine." The movie "A Hard Days Night" earned 1.3 million dollars in its first week. The Beatles early music was influenced by singers Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley. In November of 1963 the Beatles performed in front of the Queen of England. This was an incredible honor. By the end of 1963 the Beatles were the biggest music group in England. The Beatles came to New York City for the first time in 1964. They were an instant success. A couple of weeks later after their New York appearance, the five best selling records were by the Beatles. They became world famous by the end of 1964. Also in 1964 the song "I Want To Hold Your Hand" marked the beginning of "BEATLEMANIA." The Beatles were unusual because most rock was strong beat with no melody. The Beatles added melody to rock. The Beatles also added strong and meaningful lyrics. John Lennon wrote a book called "In His Own Write." The Beatles started a new era of music. They wore their hair long and shaggy. This haircut was known as the Beatles haircut. All across the world people started wearing their hair like the Beatles. John Lennon described the Beatles like this "When you said it, it was crawly things, when you read it, it was beat music." The Beatles made their last stage appearance together in 1966. In 1967 the Beatles put together a master piece. The master piece was Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band. The Beatles never had a chance to perform Sergeant Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band. Also in 1967 Brian Epstein, the manager of the Beatles, died. Also in 1967 the Beatles directed a movie, Magical Mystery Tour. The movie was about themselves in which they toured the English countryside in search of wonder, fun, and magic. In 1970 the world famous and world loved Beatles separated. Everybody was hoping to see the Beatles come back together. That hope ended when the peace loving John Lennon was killed outside his New York City apartment by 25 year old Mark David Chapman.
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