Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Cable Television Consumer Protection And Competition Act...
When the rise of cable television began there were many local broadcasters who were worried about what sort of financial state they would be left in once audiences decided to switch over to much larger networks. Time went on and many attempts at regulating cable companies became bigger and bigger issues. The larger networks could reach across the nation, and by doing so would have effectively rendered the local network useless. The people were growing weary of the services provided by the cable companies, as well as the price at which they had been charging for those services. Realizing that this could become a greater issue Congress endeavored to settle this debacle by making the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992. This law would require cable providers to set aside channels so that local or public broadcasters could take place in the vacant airwaves, which would effectively keep them all from going out of business under the pressure of larger cable net works. The Federal Communications Commission would be responsible for any sort of actions to be taken to ensure that the Act was properly set into place. For those who worked under local and public broadcasting this was the greatest kind of victory, but not everyone was happy about the decision to enact this law. The Act caused many dissenting opinions within the cable industry as they appealed to the courts with the intention of proving that a must-carry policy is unconstitutional. (Ugland,Show MoreRelatedAs The Attitudes Of American Households Begin To Shift,1670 Words  | 7 Pagesviewership of consumers. At its simplest form, this new rule would allow television consumers to have the option to pick and choose the individual television channels they desire to pay for, instead of having to pay for an entire cable â€Å"package†, while still including the â€Å"basic†cable service. Essentially, this new regulation would force cable TV providers to allow the opti on for an à la carte pricing rate for expanded cable television services. While the proposed rule would make cable providersRead MoreFirst Amendment Status of Cable TV v. Broadcast700 Words  | 3 PagesFirst Amendment Status of Cable TV v. Broadcast Electronic media content can be viewed differently according to personal opinions, but the First Amendment Rights of the United States Constitution lay the foundation for the legal system that is to be followed. These rights form a guide that help citizens have a stronger grasp on what is and isn’t acceptable within the eye of the law. Narrowing down to electronic media content, there has been a rise of tension involving first amendment rights ofRead MoreWhy Federal Communication Commission Has Legal Authority Regulate Media Ownership2587 Words  | 11 Pagesstatues that gave way to the regulation. The FCC was created by the Communications Act of 1934. The Communications Act of 1934 replaced the Radio Act of 1927, and the FCC superseded the FRC (Federal Radio Commission). This act â€Å"called for the government to regulate in the public interest and foreign communications by radio and wire.†The FCC can be traced back to the Wireless Ship Act of 1910. The Wire less Ship Act of 1910 â€Å"required large ships to have wireless equipment and radio operators onRead MoreTelevision and the Humanities: Looking at Television Through the Years and It’s Affect on Humanities2025 Words  | 9 PagesTelevision and the Humanities Lisa Chandler HUMN303 DeVry College of New York Television and the Humanities Introduction Many inventions throughout history have made their mark on contemporary American society, but none so much so as television. According to Mitchell Stephens in his article entitled History of Television, â€Å"Before 1947, the number of U.S. homes with television sets could be measured in the thousands. By the late 1990’s, 98 percent of U.S. homes had at least one televisionRead MoreTime Warner Case Analysis12425 Words  | 50 Pages......................................................................... 4 AOL ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Time Warner Cable ............................................................................................................................... 5 Warner Brothers ....................................................................................................Read MorePolitical Analy sis of Film and Animation Industry4597 Words  | 19 Pagesdecisions. Furthermore, technological shifts can affect costs, quality, and lead to innovation. †¢ Legal factors include discrimination law, consumer law, antitrust law, employment law, and health and safety law. These factors can affect how a company operates, its costs, and the demand for its products. Consumer protection laws are designed to ensure fair competition and the free flow of truthful information in the marketplace. These factors can affect how a company operates, its costs, and the demandRead MoreTerm Paper of Advertising Strategy of Nokia4350 Words  | 18 Pagespresentation of idea, goods or service by an identified sponsor. Objective †¢ To analyze the advertising effectiveness on consumers of Nokia Cellular Phones. †¢ To analyze the different medium through which the advertisement reaches maximum number of people in the market. †¢ To analyze the strategies that the company should adopt to turn viewers into consumers. †¢ To know the present status of the competitors of Nokia Cellular Phones in terms of advertisement. †¢ To analyze whatRead MoreCharging Regulations for Cellular Phone Companies in the Philippines8087 Words  | 33 Pagesthat are mainly regulated by the government to at least make the market fair for both the consumers and producers. For a market to function fairly and competitively, incentives are implemented and handed out to the market components specifically by companies in accordance to government regulations. Incentives give people the initiative to acquire the best possible outcome and the best benefit for both the consumers and producers. The government sees that through coordination, it will be able to do itsRead MoreHistory of Hungary and the European Union6259 Words  | 26 Pagesbusinesses in Hungary are headquarter in and around the capital city of Budapest. The main industries of the Hungarian are in industrial production of high-tech products such as computers, telecommunication equipment, and electronic consumer goods like televisions. Another import ant industry in Hungary is the automotive industry with motor vehicle manufacturing and automotive parts manufacturing. These industries account for over half of Hungary ¡Ã‚ ¯s industrial output. In the early 1990 ¡Ã‚ ¯s asRead MoreOprah Winfrey – the Story of an Entrepreneur4292 Words  | 18 Pages‘Dangerous Food,’ talked about the Mad Cow disease[2] and the threat it supposedly posed to beef consumers in the US. On the show, Lyman blamed the practice of feeding rendered livestock (protein derived from cattle remains) to cattle for outbreak of the disease in Europe, which resulted in the death of over 1.5 million cattle and 20 people in 1996. Lyman’s statements suggested that beef consumers in the US could also contract the human form of the mad cow disease as a similar practice of feeding
Monday, December 16, 2019
Marriage Is A Life And Social Family Affair - 845 Words
Marriage Marriages are suppose to be a lifetime of commitment towards love and care amongst people, yet most marriages seem to be falling apart due to the increasing numbers of problems within the relationship whether it is lack of communication, rushing into the marriage, or focusing on the glitz and the glam of planning the perfect wedding. Does marriage always mean love? When two people make a binding commitment to spend the rest of their lives together does it always last? Marriage is a union between man and women, typically recognized by law in which they become husband and wife. Marriage may come in different forms and means different things within different cultures, for example in West Africa a marriage is a spiritual and social family affair that combines two lives, two families, or even two communities. In India marriage is seen as a way to bring a family closer together and parents usually arrange the marriage a spouse for their sons, or daughters. But marriage has become unvalue d overtime. The divorce rates amongst couples have been increasing. These days marriage does not always mean a happily ever after. Marriage has become more about the glitz and the glam of planning/ having the perfect wedding, finding the perfect wedding and living a fairly tail life. Rather than focusing on planning your life together with someone, finding a compatible mate, and learning how to deal with the person you are about to commit to. People spend thousands of dollars and monthsShow MoreRelatedThe Significance Of Being Earnest, By Oscar Wilde1305 Words  | 6 Pagesof social norms. Satire is the hyperbolic expressions of absurdity, which provides clarity through sarcasm and offensive exaggerations to project a society’s ethics. In Oscar Wilde’s play, The Importance of Being Earnest, Wilde exposes the absurdity of Victorian aristocratic social propriety. Wilde utilizes numerous ironic puns and sarcasm in order to satirize Victorian social responsibilities concerned with marriage, social masking, and education. Wilde’s play explores the notion of social responsibilityRead MoreRise of Divorce Essay907 Words  | 4 Pagescouples who divorced is accelerating and becoming a social problem. According to an authoritative international organization, the Chinese Academy of Social Science, the number of divorces increased more than six fold from less than 35 million in 1980 to more than 220 million in 2008. These alarming data has aroused profound concern, and many sociologists are investigating this social issue. The problems principally come from the aspects of social factors, parental problems, and personal causes. ThereforeRead MoreGetting to Know the Machà ³n Family882 Words  | 3 PagesThe Machà ³n family is made up of a man and a wife, Ivonne and Marvin Machà ³n; some might classify them as a companionate family. The couple lives in El Monte, CA and has been married for 3 years. When it comes to social class they are considered to be apart of the working class. A family is d escribed in textbook terms as a bond by emotional, biological, economic attachments. But when the couple was asked to describe what they believe to be a family they responded by saying, â€Å"If I feel an emotionalRead MoreInfidelity and Confidentiality: A Dilema for Therapists Essays1399 Words  | 6 PagesIn addition, a couple where one spouse admits to an affair to the therapist without their spouse’s knowledge can be equally distressing to said counselor. What are the ethical concerns regarding this scenario? In one case we are keeping our client’s confidences, building trust and following all ethical codes of confidentiality. In another case, we could possibly cause harm by keeping the client’s spouse in the dark about the affair. The fact that we aid the spouse in harboring this secretRead MoreAnalysis Of The Swimmer1452 Words  | 6 PagesHow Economic Class Effects Life In â€Å"The Swimmer†In The Swimmer a short story by John Cheever a man named Neddy Merrill decides to swim across every pool in the county naming his route the Lucinda River after his wife. As he goes on this journey some of his neighbors are nice, some show pity, and others show distaste for him. Throughout the story Cheever gives subtle hints that Neddy is disoriented as he doesn’t remember key details of things that have happened to his friends in the area. At theRead MoreAnalysis Of The New York Times By Nicholas D. Quot950 Words  | 4 PagesThe concept that marriage can occur, endure, and succeed without the factor of love seems to be common in many other places in the world. â€Å"Who Needs Love! In Japan, Many Couples Don’t,†by Nicholas D. Kristof published in the New York Times in 1996 explores the aspects and success of loveless marriage in Japan beginning with Yuri Uemura of Omiya, Japan. The article opens with a small description of the setting of the interview and the blunt fact that there was never any marriage between Yuri andRead MoreRelationship Between The Child And Parent922 Words  | 4 Pagesrelationship between the child and parent. Chinua Achebe in his book, Marriage is a Private Affair developed this theme in the marriage perception outlining the conflict that occurred between a father and his son (Achebe 22). On the other hand, Alice Walker in her book, Everyday Use, developed a story of family who consist of a mother and her two daughters. One of her daughters proved to be rebellious and went against the family norms (Walker 47). This paper will outline some of the similaritiesRead MoreWhy Is Lydia’s Elopement Perceived As a Disaster and How Does It Affect the Relationship of Elizabeth and Darcy?963 Words  | 4 Pageswas able to capture the reality of life on paper. The situations she is presenting in her books are very likely to happen in real life too. It is also the case of story of Lydia Bennet and her elopement with Mr Wickham. It was perceived as a disaster, but for the modern reader it can be rather incomprehensible. Why was Lydia’s elopement so scandalous? Kristen Koster is explaining why it was more difficult for couples to get married then before: in 1753 The Marriage Act, or the Hardwicke Act, was publishedRead MoreArguments for and Against the Practice of Arranged Marriage1701 Words  | 7 Pagesagainst the practice of Arranged Marriage According to Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica (2009), for Indians, most marriages are arranged by family elderly based on caste, degree of cognation, financial status, education (if any), and astrology. In the article entitled â€Å"Marriage: Is love necessary?†in Little India on 2nd June 2007, Sudhir Kakar upholds the practice of arranged marriages among Indians. The article focuses on how the establishment of an arranged marriage is tantamount to the vision of loveRead MoreSexual Infidelity Is An Issue1223 Words  | 5 PagesSexual infidelity is an issue most couples don’t like to thinks about when they are considering marriage. 85 percent of adults marry in their life-times. 94 percent expect to marry their soul-mate and maintain a life-long, monogamous relationship until death. Unfortunately 40% of men and women who divorce report having been unfaithful during their marriage (Gordon, Baucom and Synder, 2008). Infidelity can evoke feelings of anger, resentment, fea r and hurt to the wronged partner and guilt, shame and
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Human Rights Education and Curriculum free essay sample
This paper looks closely at the problems in the educational system in Pakistan. The author argues that if human rights organizations are to strengthen the preventative aspects of their work and make social education a cornerstone of their activities, they must meet this need, and work out the methodologies for doing so very carefully. In 1995 a group of individuals, alarmed with the potential impact of the prevailing situation in Karachi on children, started looking at practical ways to deal with this issue. They felt that the long term aim of creating a civil, humane and peaceful society could be met if children were given a socially relevant education that creates opportunities to understand, appreciate and internalize the whole spectrum of human rights issues. Through intervening by positively altering childrens attitudes, values and perceptions with regard to human rights and motivating them to take greater interest in their communities and interact with them, it was felt that a foundation could be laid for a stronger society in future. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Rights Education and Curriculum or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Beatles Essays (591 words) - Counterculture Of The 1960s
The Beatles The Beatles to this day are one of the most famous and popular rock 'n roll groups in the world. The Beatles include George Harrison, John Lennon(1940-1980), Paul McCartney, and Richard Starkey(Ringo Starr). All of the Beatles where born and raised in Liverpool, England. John Lennon was considered the leader of the band. George Harrison was the lead guitarist. John Lennon was a song writer, one of the two lead singers, and rhythm guitarist. Paul McCartney was a song writer, one of the two lead singers, and a bassist. Ringo Starr played the drums. John Lennon's first band was called the Quarrymen (named after his High School). None of the three Beatles were in this band. Paul joined the group in 1957 and Harrison joined in 1958. They played with bass guitarist Sut Sutcliffe, and Pete Best, a drummer. Sutcliffe left in 1961 and Ringo Starr joined the band. Pete Best was asked to leave the band on April 16, 1962. He was considered the Beatles undisputed sex symbol. The Beatles were discovered on November 9, 1961 by Brian Epstein, a manager of a record store in Liverpool as well as an x British Army soldier. The Beatles first two song were "Love Me Do" and "Please, Please Me." The Beatles starred in two movies, "A Hard Days Night," and "Help." They also had their own full length cartoon called "Yellow Submarine." The movie "A Hard Days Night" earned 1.3 million dollars in its first week. The Beatles early music was influenced by singers Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley. In November of 1963 the Beatles performed in front of the Queen of England. This was an incredible honor. By the end of 1963 the Beatles were the biggest music group in England. The Beatles came to New York City for the first time in 1964. They were an instant success. A couple of weeks later after their New York appearance, the five best selling records were by the Beatles. They became world famous by the end of 1964. Also in 1964 the song "I Want To Hold Your Hand" marked the beginning of "BEATLEMANIA." The Beatles were unusual because most rock was strong beat with no melody. The Beatles added melody to rock. The Beatles also added strong and meaningful lyrics. John Lennon wrote a book called "In His Own Write." The Beatles started a new era of music. They wore their hair long and shaggy. This haircut was known as the Beatles haircut. All across the world people started wearing their hair like the Beatles. John Lennon described the Beatles like this "When you said it, it was crawly things, when you read it, it was beat music." The Beatles made their last stage appearance together in 1966. In 1967 the Beatles put together a master piece. The master piece was Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart Club Band. The Beatles never had a chance to perform Sergeant Peppers Lonely Heart Club Band. Also in 1967 Brian Epstein, the manager of the Beatles, died. Also in 1967 the Beatles directed a movie, Magical Mystery Tour. The movie was about themselves in which they toured the English countryside in search of wonder, fun, and magic. In 1970 the world famous and world loved Beatles separated. Everybody was hoping to see the Beatles come back together. That hope ended when the peace loving John Lennon was killed outside his New York City apartment by 25 year old Mark David Chapman.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
buy custom The Under Dosing of Pain Medication essay
buy custom The Under Dosing of Pain Medication essay This paper examines the ethical issues surrounding hospice patients and under dosing their pain medication. Ethical considerations that relate to the problem of under dosing of pain medication in hospice care include autonomy, justice, beneficence and non-maleficence. Non-ethical consideration that relate to the problem of under dosing of pain medication in hospice care is legal issues. According to utilitarian thinking, rules about morals should make many people happy (Lo, 2009). Lo (2009) states, deontological thinking operates under the principle of moral law and common sense. The decision about pain medication is for the patient because he is the one experiencing the discomfort thus he should decide whether he want the pain medication. Health care professionals and availability of medications are institutional factors that affect decisions and course of actions (Guido, 2009). In conclusion, ethical issues surrounding hospice patients and under dosing their pain medication require a thorough review because many health care professionals are not familiar with the ethical considerations in case of a dilemma. Ethical considerations require equilibrium between care and the patient desire. In the provision of hospice care, most of the health care professionals usually neglect the patient needs and follow their own or the family desire. The patient is left in unbearable pain. The purpose of this paper is to identify the ethical issues surrounding hospice patients and under dosing their pain medication. Problem Identification Ethical considerations that relate to the problem of under dosing of pain medication in hospice care include autonomy, justice, beneficence and non-maleficence. Guido (2009) states, autonomy recognize the ability of a patient to make decision about his care depending on his values as well as beliefs. The patient can refuse a pain medication because of his beliefs. The principle of beneficence states that health care professionals should provide care that benefit the patient and protect him from harm (Snyder Gauthire, 2008). For instance, the nurse should effectively manage the patients pain by using the right dose of analgesics. According to non-maleficence, the health care professional should not inflict harm to the patient (Guido, 2009). The nurse should avoid giving the wrong medication for pain relief. Finally, justice is fair provision of care ( Lo, 2009). Health care professionals should mange patients according to the medical and legal requirements. Autonomy is the priority e thical consideration. The health care professionalsshould respect the autonomy of the patient by telling him the truth about the objective of care, outcome and options (Snyder Gauthire, 2008). Non-ethical consideration that relate to the problem of under dosing of pain medication in hospice care is legal issues. The law states that every person has freedom of choice (Guido, 2009) thus; a patient can refuse pain management therapy. The relationship between ethical and non-ethical consideration is their ability to affect the quality of care. For instance, a nurse may not do well to the patient if the patient refuses treatment. Considerations of Possible Actions According to utilitarian thinking, rules about morals should make many people happy (Lo, 2009). The health care professional should make a decision that make the family members and significant others happy even if it harm the patient. The viable actions are that the doctor can refuse to prescribe a pain medication that the patient request if the family members do not want it because of their beliefs or the patient can be forced to take a medication that he does not want because other people believe it beneficial. The consequences of utilitarian thinking can be negative or positive depending on the majority wishes and happiness (Snyder Gauthire, 2008). In a case the patient is denied the pain medication because family members are against it, he will experience discomfort while if given the right medication because many health care professionals are for it, he will be happy. Lo (2009) states, deontological thinking operates under the principle of moral law and common sense. In deontological ethics, a conflict usually occurs between autonomy and beneficence as well as non-maleficence (Guido, 2009). For instance, a nurse can be in a conflict when a patient refuses the full dose of pain medication. The duty of the nurse is to respect the patients autonomy, do that which benefit the patient and avoid harm. In this situation, the duty of respecting the patients autonomy is in conflict with the provision of beneficial care. The nurse should give the patient the right dose of pain medication and disrespect his autonomy. This is because beneficence will produce the greatest balance of rightness over wrongness compared to autonomy. Decision and Selection of Course of Action The decision about pain medication is for the patient because he is the one experiencing the discomfort thus he should decide whether he want the pain medication. According to Lo (2009), the ppatient has a right of deciding the kind of management that he wants. Although the patient has a right to make decision, some values and biasness can interfere with his choice. They include mental, physical and economic factors (Snyder Gauthire, 2008). A mentally disturbed patient cannot make a right choice. A patient who is in severe pain is likely to make a rational decision. Finally, a patient can choose a certain kind of medication because of the affordability and not potency. Health care professionals and availability of medications are institutional factors that affect decisions and course of actions (Guido, 2009). A doctor can prescribe a certain analgesic but if it is unavailable, then the patient has to take a different kind of pain medication. The right of a patient to refuse treatment is a legal factor that affects decision (Snyder Gauthire, 2008). If a patient does not want a certain medication, the nurse cannot force him. Social factors that affect decision are the culture, beliefs and religion (Guido, 2009). For example, some people believe that narcotics are not good. The decision being made is utilitarian thinking. The doctor implements this decision by selecting a course of action that makes the family members happy. The doctor reduces the dose of pain medication because the family members requested yet the patient is in severe pain. The aforementioned decision is not morally justified. The doctor and the family members should respect the patients request for the above decision to be justified because it is unfair to reduce the analgesics yet the patient is in severe pain. The decision made was against ANA Interpretive Statement Code for Nurses. According to the code, the nurse should respect the patients dignity and integrity (Guido, 2009). Reflection on Decision The selected decision was acted upon and it accomplished its purpose of making the relatives and the doctor happy. I believe that the decision made was not morally upright. This is because it did not respect the patients autonomy. In my opinion, deontological thinking could be the best theory because it respects the patients autonomy if the resulting action is beneficial. Conclusion Ethical issues surrounding hospice patients and under dosing their pain medication require a thorough review. Many health care professionals are not familiar with the ethical considerations in case of a dilemma. They should be educated on what to do when the patients life is at risk. Buy custom The Under Dosing of Pain Medication essay
Friday, November 22, 2019
Famous Quotes About Money
Famous Quotes About Money As the song from 1966 hit musical Cabaret says, Money makes the world go round. Its no wonder there are so many songs, poems, and musings about money and its impact, good or bad: It affects our daily lives like few other things. Everyone from philosophers (who typically have no money) to politicians (who know where all the money is hidden) has an opinion about money. Check out this list of some of the most memorable and best-known quotes about money. Benjamin Franklin Money Quotes The man whose face appears on the American $100 bill had a lot to say about money. Benjamin Franklin, one of Americas founding fathers, was a strong advocate for paper currency for the American colonies. His 1729 treatise  A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency,†became something of a blueprint for establishing a separate American economy. Here are a few other things Franklin had to say about money: A man may if he knows not how to save as he gets, keep his nose to the grindstone.Remember that time is money.He that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing.He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting. Quotes About Money from Movies and Plays Love may conquer all, but many a plot has been driven by a characters need for money; whether trying to get it, keep it or lose it. Greed, for lack of a better word, is good. -  Gordon Gecko, Wall Street. In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women. - Tony Montana, Scarface. You can be young without money but you cant be old without it. - Cat On a Hot Tin Roof, by Tennessee Williams Quotes About Money from Comedians, Writers, and Philosophers Some people believe you cant be happy without money, some think you cant be happy with it. But its a ripe source of material for anyone with a sense of humor or a sense of irony. The more I see of the moneyed classes, the more I understand the guillotine. - George Bernard ShawWhats the use of happiness? It cant buy you money. - Henny YoungmanWhen I was young I used to think that money was the most important thing in life. Now that I am old, I know it is. - Oscar WildeMoney cannot buy health, but Id settle for a diamond-studded wheelchair. - Dorothy Parker Can anybody remember when the times were not hard and money not scarce? - Ralph Waldo EmersonEndless money forms the sinews of war. - CiceroIt frees you from doing things you dislike. Since I dislike doing nearly everything, money is handy. - Groucho Marx
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Solar energy project at Philippines Research Paper
Solar energy project at Philippines - Research Paper Example Now I will discuss the Role of Stakeholders, project manager in relation to Project Governance in the project of BP solar energy. The project manager has the responsibility for the management of the project needs to have a well-defined process (Kenneth, 1998). In this project, the project manager has to streamline the main resources and financial aid to plan for the successful completion of this project. BP solar energy company has to make use of the local workforce and regional resources for this project to support them and this will also take less investment for the project. The government and Ministry of Finance of Philippines have to originate and establish such parameters to renovate this project development and also contact to international donors for their better support for the project. Local communities have to produce the innovation in the public and raise funds to support this project for its successful completion. The analysis I have conducted for this project has provided us a roadmap for the better project handling and management. I have identified two main stakeholders of this project, by this information we have to get the clear picture of people and instaurations those are attached, affected, influenced and take advantage for this project. This is basically a public welfare project to provide the electricity to people who do not have this facility in far from the area of Philippines. In this analysis, I have found that general public is the biggest beneficiary of this project.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
With a multicultural team, barriers to communication can be major Essay
With a multicultural team, barriers to communication can be major obstacles. How can understanding the cultural values overcome this - Essay Example The significant aspect lies on the basis of these societal and industrial cultures bringing about an imperative basis for the organizational culture to exist in the most basic sense. (Becker, 1999) One must understand that the organization cannot exist in seclusion and it has to remain in constant touch with the society in which it exists and the industry under which it finds competitors for its own selves and the strategic alliances, mergers and unities that form as a result of the same. Now the foundation lies merely on the manner under which the strategic and the tactical moves are adopted by this organization under study and how best it delivers towards the needs of the stakeholders, customers and employees working for the benefit of the organization itself, both from the short term perspective as well as an investment in the long run. (Marx, 1999) Hofstede has focused his works on the cultural differences that exist at individuals working within the different segments of a business and he has raised pretty interesting discussions here. He has removed the impression that is present of the individuals acting like each other and working towards a common goal. He has said that the organization wants to reach at a particular point in time within the future. Rather he has looked at it from a different perspective. What he has stated is that it is difficult to come to terms with the cultural differences that the employees bring with them and hence it gets frustrating at times to get the work done in a complete manner. (Jackson, 2004) One should believe that what Hofstede has taught through these cultural dimensions is true as little effort is paid to the fact that diverse employees bring about successful results for the organization. The organizations are also not in agreement with this ideology, which is quite shocking. However one should believe that the cultural managers and
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Business Intergration Essay Example for Free
Business Intergration Essay New IT developments are important to all business disciplines because they trigger changes in marketing operations, e-commerce, logistics, human resources, finance, accounting, and relationships with customers and business partners. Nothing about business or corporate strategy is untouched by IT (Turban Volonino, 2011). The five elements of an IT-enabled business strategy Business strategy| * Contains the mission, vision, and objectives of the organization * States the companys market strategy * Describes the unique value proposition the company offers customers * Provides the distinct value configuration of the organization| Business expectations of IT| * Describes how the company might expect IT to contribute to the success of the * business * Possible business expectations of IT include delivering better value, reducing costs, * or improving products and services| IT strategy| * Provides information on IT applications * Describes how to develop the competencies of the people who work in IT * States how IT is to be organized and controlled within the company * Describes the technical infrastructure| IT assessment| * Aims to reveal how technology helps or hinders a business * Can include network and systems performance reviews, software audits, and * concept testing and development * Can include strategic evaluations, technical reviews, and risk management * Should recommend how to use technology to meet business goals| IT plans| * Outlines a companys long-term IT plans * Is concerned with how IT should be deployed, managed, and implemented in the * future * Should be cost effective and in line with business goals| What are the advantages of aligning business and IT strategies? There are many advantages when an organization IT strategies are aligned with the organizations business strategies. Information technology is a key business function in almost every successful organization. An effective IT strategy will enable businesses to: * Reduce cost; * Standardize processes; * Enhance productivity; * Improve risk control mechanism; * Implement new business strategies; * Facilitate organic and acquisition driven growth; * Gain competitive advantage by exploiting new technology; Other benefits of the alignment of IT and business strategy is automation, knowledge, organizational improvements, and innovation. Automation can result in increased efficiency while decreasing cost. Knowledge in IT is the ability of an organization to collect, store, process, and disseminate information. The benefit of knowledge gained from IT is cost reduction, greater efficiency, and increased revenues. IT also leads to organizational improvements which usually lead to more decentralized leadership structure which improves the overall effectiveness of the organization. Proper alignment of IT and business strategy can make an organization stand out and look different from its competitors. This alignment can provide a competitive advantage for an organization. How does IT deliver business benefits that are related to the business strategy? IT delivers business benefit by performing high-speed, high volume, and numerical computation. IT provides fast, accurate communication and collaboration unrestricted by time and location. IT gives organizations the ability to store huge amounts of information that is accessible via private networks and the internet. In addition it enables automation of routine decisions making and help facilitate complex decision making. IT also improves the ability to make informed decisions. IT also helps to facilitate collaboration, enhance customer relationships, develop new analytic capabilities, and provide feedback on performance. Reference Turban, E., Volonino, L. (2011). Information Technology for Management (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons, Inc..
Thursday, November 14, 2019
stem cells :: essays research papers
The history of research on adult stem cells began about 40 years ago. In the 1960s, researchers discovered that the bone marrow contains at least two kinds of stem cells. One population, called hematopoietic stem cells, forms all the types of blood cells in the body. A second population, called bone marrow stromal cells was discovered a few years later. Stromal cells are a mixed cell population that generates bone, cartilage, fat, and fibrous connective tissue. Also in the 1960s, scientists who were studying rats discovered two regions of the brain that contained dividing cells, which become nerve cells. Despite these reports, most scientists believed that new nerve cells could not be generated in the adult brain. It was not until the 1990s that scientists agreed that the adult brain does contain stem cells that are able to generate the brain's three major cell types  astrocytes (star shaped neurological cell) and oligodendrocytes, which are non-neuronal cells, and neurons or nerve cells.           ABOUT ADULT/EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS AND DIFFERENCES Adult Stem cells are thought to reside in a specific area of each tissue where they may remain (non-dividing) for many years until they are activated by disease or tissue injury. The adult tissues reported to contain stem cells include brain, bone marrow, peripheral blood, blood vessels, skeletal muscle, skin and liver. Human embryonic and adult stem cells each have advantages and disadvantages regarding potential use for cell-based regenerative therapies. Of course, adult and embryonic stem cells differ in the number and type of differentiated cells types they can become. Embryonic stem cells can become all cell types of the body because they are pluripotent(single cell becoming many different cell types). Adult stem cells are generally limited to differentiating into different cell types of their tissue of origin Large numbers of embryonic stem cells can be relatively easily grown in culture, while adult stem cells are rare in mature tissues and methods for expanding their numbers in cell culture have not yet been worked out.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Supply Chain
|Module Number: MO0358 | |Strategic Supply Chain Management | |(Individual Project) | INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Objective â€Å"Supply chain management = Order to Cash. As my group project is about Burberry supply chain management so I would like to further explain it here and show you how Burberry successes after apply supply management. 1. 2 The Background of BURBERRYBURBERRY is established in London, United Kingdom in 1865 by Thomas Burberry. The Business concept of Burberry is â€Å"Fashion & Luxury†. At the end of 2007, Burberry started supply chain management in their business and hope that can delivered luxury and lifestyle product to customers at more than 208 concessions within department stores and digital commerce, plus 44 outlets and 192 mainline stores over the world and Burberry employs more than 30,000 people to operate the business smoothly.Burberry offers fashion for women, men, and children, also sells their own-brand beauty, cosmetics and perfume. Burberry has ow n factory at London Castleford but just produce trench coat and some core items. And now Burberry buys its goods from around 100 independent supplies, mostly in Asia and Europe. Burberry corporate with suppliers to develop long-term, sustainable social and environmental standards in the factories for produces Burberry high quality products. Burberry reaches the customers through two sales channels: stores and online.The store is the most important for Burberry as the customers can see the product, try it on and feel the products. Burberry is expanding their business new offerings and via new channels such as internet/ online business, the advantages of offering new channel are customers able to shop online, it can to let customers have the freedom of choice to choose the sales channel that suits customer best at that moment. Burberry stores are spread all over the world. It can be found in United Kingdom, Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia.And according to their annual report China will be their very critical regions for their business so Burberry plans to establish more stores in China in the coming year. Burberry is growing not only by turning to customers in new stores and new places. It is at least equally important that the company continually develops. Their fashion categories are including menswear, womenswear and childrenswear. Fragrance & beauty category was in the leading position of the Asia market two years ago. Accessories category contains eyewear, scarves, watches and bags. Supply chain managementAccording to Mentzer, et al (Ballou, 2004), â€Å"Supply chain Management (SCM) is defined as the systematic, strategic coordination of the traditional business functions and the tactics across these business functions within a particular company and across businesses within the supply chain, for the purpose of improving the long-term performance of the individual companies and the supply chain as a whole â€Å"(p. 5). In order to balance end customers' demands and the hit for profitable growth, Burberry has moved aggressively to build an efficient and successful supply chain management an efficient and successful supply chain management system.It must have five basic components that are considered and acted upon. These components can help to enhance revenue, control costs and asset utilization as well as customer satisfaction. They are including planning, sourcing, make, delivery, and return which is same as the supply chain of Burberry flows from ideas and design, production, distribution centre, call-off, store, finally to the customer. In this paper, each of these components will be discussed in the following paragraphs. 3. 0 Planning First step of supply chain management is planning .The planning component is critical to the success of a good supply chain management system. Therefore, from Burberry year annual report, we can see Burberry do reviews their brand performance of business each year and well plan for next year. Also they will review by each season to make sure everything planned are on tracked. Refer to Burberry 2007 annual report we noticed they mentioned will start supply chain management and also put a lot of money to buy SAP system as their only platform of their system in order to bring Burberry business to globalization.It shows the main objective to any strategy a business industry chooses should be to have materials available at all times in order to ensure the smooth flow of care for their business while keeping costs under control. At the beginning of season, Burberry sourcing team and product development, quality control, designer , merchandising planning and buyers will have big meeting to review what the trend is , product and material will be launched for next season in order to plan the strategy.Buyer also will give souring team an approximately order quantity for souring team to give factory in order to prepare raw material, trims†¦ etc , to shorten lead-ti me and to have materials available at all times in order to ensure the smooth flow of care while keeping costs under control. 4. 0. Sourcing 4. 1. Raw material Burberry applies cost management and quality control monitor in their supply chain system; Cost is the key factors determining Burberry more successful in the fashion changing market. †The raw materials are sourced locally in different regions for example: China, Korea, Thailand and Japan.Benefit is can save the transportation cost and expenses with similar quality. Burberry souring team will negotiate the cost with supplier by using long term business, letter of credit and payment in time in order to make sure they can have better price to hit target. However, product quality will be enhanced in terms of through sourcing better production technologies and new materials internationally. The purposes of sourcing are to know or explore more new suppliers with advanced Garment Production System/ Technology which able to a ccelerate the production speed so that shorten the lead-time.In addition, that strategy can stimulate the inter-specific competition among the existing suppliers by the importing new suppliers. Existing suppliers will contact Burberry actively and offer the attractive conditions with the aim of getting Burberry orders. That is the most effective method controlling the price and maintains the high product quality of global souring 4. 2. Quality Control Burberry is a luxurious brand in fashion industry and in order to maintain high quality products to their customers, all suppliers and manufactures are needs to meet AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) standard with 2. requested by Burberry. AQL 2. 5 means if an order is 10,500 units, they want a 2. 5 AQL they can have 14 defective units or less from the 315 that they inspect. Moreover, suppliers need to submit lab test report to prove quality sell to Burberry are good and no harm for customer . To provide good quality material for making h igh quality final goods, Burberry based on china garment rules and international standard to make a standard and all supplier need to follow it to do the testing, if fail in the testing result, suppliers and manufacturers might be cannot carry on or allow to process orders in the next season.Burberry QC team will also regularly by month or by week to inspect supplier and factories in order to make sure their provided product can meet Burberry standard. However, even AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) standard with 2. 5 and lab test report applies on all Burberry products and AQL 2. 5 is very high standard but still have defective items can be found . 5. 0. Make Under supply chain strategy, the process of â€Å"Make†is to provide high quality products in lower cost, so that Burberry can save the cost to gain more profit. 5. 1. Co-markershipBurberry has their own standard on selecting raw material suppliers, which also limited the number of suppliers, this can help them to have a better control on the product quality. Burberry has more than 200 independent suppliers for outsource the production. Burberry has good reputation in maintaining the relationship with all suppliers, by producing Burberry luxury product, stable order volume, guarantee payment and letter of credit etc. Furthermore, Burberry always communicates and reviews the action plan with suppliers every season.To enhance the relationship with suppliers, the key factor is to have a good coordination and linkage with them. Burberry frequently provide training program for vendors, in order to maintain their production standard. What is more , Burberry has a regular appraisal to suppliers, which provide feedback to suppliers for better improvement. The production sites of Burberry are global sourced from over the world such as China, Turkey, Thailand, Macau, Singapore, Portugal, Romania and Hong Kong.The advantage is to essentially cut down the labor expenses, with the bulk production so that enhanci ng Burberry at the competitive position in the global fashion Industry by maximizing the margin of profit to the fashion business. For selecting new vendors/suppliers for cooperate business, Burberry has carries out auditors (internal and external) to evaluate the supplier’s qualification before cooperating The criteria including lead time, quality, quantity, safety, guarantee, availability and flexibility etc, especially Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) standard.Any supplier cannot approve by Burberry CSR team, Burberry will not allow that factory to produce their product to ensure Burberry product meet on high quality and corporate social responsibility. However, Burberry is not easy to find qualified supplier because Burberry respect the rules and some developing countries cannot meet Burberry regulation such as safety working environment, labor children, illegal pay and abuse , these problems are always found in these countries.Moreover, safety working environment, h ealthy and compliance with local environmental legislation also are the other challenges for Burberry because they found that most developing countries do not formulate the occupational safety and health regulation and environmental organization. These countries do not install the legitimate fire device in the factory or build up a health and safety working place for the staffs, it absolutely disobey the rules of Burberry. Brand image will be also affected by these negative news.When souring new supplier Burberry facing the political environment problem. For example in Thailand, they do not have a stable business environment. The anti-government demonstration caused the Bangkok city in turmoil. It made factory cannot ship out any goods from the airport. As long as riddled with corruption, unstable public security, terrorism and robbery always happened. We can see that these factors might not provide stable business environment for producing Burberry product. And Burberry also will c onsider kind of factors to choose supplier.To solve these problems, I would like to suggest Burberry don’t put all orders in 1 supplier in order unstable conditional happen again. The fighting sources with competitors as also one of the challenges for Burberry as Burberry share some factory‘s capacity with others fashion brand for example: Polo Jeans, Armani exchange, Marks and Spencer, Gap and J. Crew etc. Therefore, Burberry needs to keep a good relationship with all suppliers to ensure sufficient providing source. 5. 2. Outsource Burberry has 3 global licensing agreements of fragrance and beauty (by interparfums), watches (by Fossil) and eyewear (by Luxottica).In order to make sure the quality of non-apparel products are in a high standard, all licensing can provide professional knowledge and technology of product and it can helps Burberry reduce cost on innovation for non-apparel products. Burberry sourcing teams, quality control teams and CSR team work closely with these partners on product development, quality control, CSR, marketing and distribution activities, and will conduct regular reviews to ensure compliance with the term of its license agreements.Outsource for Burberry is very important because Italy’s fragrance and beauty is expertise because they have long history in this field so it is the best in the world, the eyewear technology in Guangdong, China is the best and reasonable. Hence, Burberry enables to sell the licensing to them in order to maintain better quality. 5. 3. Information System – SAP According to Burberry globalized organization, Burberry has 444 worldwide retail shop and over 31 countries operation. Therefore, different parties will create a lot of information of product.Burberry supply chain system is a technology that to improve information to become more systematic. Started from 2008, SAP is the only system platform for Burberry; it can help to collect information, data and share within the organiza tion. It also can monitor the delivery schedule to ensure everything are on tracked. SAP system is the market and technology leader in business software solutions, providing comprehensive business software through SAP applications, services and support. SAP can manage system and analysis at the same time, It helps Burberry to draw data and use this platform to do an analysis of brand performance.This information can help making decision by the management team to increase competitive advantages, such as production life cycle analysis, raw material forecasting, marketing planning and inventory review. So that everything can be counted and measured by using SAP system. Famous and international company would prefer using SAP system, as these company has different branch office over the world. By using SAP system can help they no limitation on different district. 6. 0. Delivery Transportation is one of the main processes of delivering and distributing goods.It may involve more than one p lace during the transportation, such as place to store and place to sell. 6. 1. SAP system In Burberry, SAP provides a systematic format to handle information transmission, and it brings a dramatic impact to Burberry. For example, SAP system has an accurate control on the raw material lead time, which means factories have plenty of time on mass production; consequently, it reduces shipment delay. Furthermore, due to the well control on the production period, Burberry has plenty of time to ship the goods by sea instead of air.The most obvious outcome is the reduction of logistic cost. 6. 2. DHL 3rd party Moreover, Burberry is in collaboration with DHL 3rd party global to in charge of final goods delivery. They are responsible to collect final goods from different factories, and providing direct delivery service to relative DHL Global center (UK, USA, Spain ,HK), then they distribute the goods to local retail stores. Due to this professional & tailor-make service provided by DHL, Burb erry reduces the need for warehousing at destination, which means this part of expenses can be reduced.Even though worldwide retail shops and operation offices are closed after work, DHL can provide 24 hours logistic services and its reliable customs clearance, which can help to speed up the delivery process, so it can secure the delivery time. For example, new product can be launched in the retail store in time, quick move inventory to distribution centers by special requested. 7. 0. Return Nowadays customer would like to have a pleasant shopping experience, they all don’t like to return to retail outlets or companies. Customers want to have sales approaches, lowest price and friendly service for every product.Consumer prefers more and would like to shop at one stop shopping centers. Burberry is using some of the supply chain techniques to cut costs like given vendor to manage the inventory by using inventory tracking and sales in individual stores and cross-docking fast-mov ing items. Now, Burberry has more convenience, selections, and reasonable price 8. 0. Conclusion In my opinion , Burberry applies â€Å"supply chain management†is a important and correct direction because it can offers a great deal of benefits including sourcing , reduce cost , quality control, product category and quality advantages to Burberry fighting with its competitors.In refer to Burberry annual report, their business are going up and up. It is very vital for Burberry continuously maintaining high reputation . As well as Burberry are facing some competitions in sourcing suppliers directly , so needs to find others or potential suppliers to cooperate To ensure the good relationship between supplier with better price, Burberry should keep the stable and regular ordering in long term. This could highly enhance its bargaining power.In order to having the good quality and lowering the cost (to enjoy more profits) at the same time, Burberry need to do more research on findi ng good suppliers and manufactories in different countries. Even it has long historical experience; Burberry should keep doing research and catch up with the new/ latest trend Burberry also need to shorten the lead-time from the process of supply chain progress . In order to meet the demand and needs in the future. I think that Burberry need to shorten the lead-time of manufacturing and transporting time such as pre-book some raw material.In constant, the challenges of global sourcing are some uncertain factors need to be manage and consider in selecting the suppliers from different country, e. g. political environment, country’s textile quotas and exchange rate. To manage those risks, the top management requires long term perspective in defining the company’s goal and strategy. In order to implement global sourcing successfully, it also requires the experience and commitment of the management in managing the risks and understanding the foreign regulations.In addition, H outsources all the production to over 200 suppliers, Burberry needs to maintain the good and long-term relationships with all the existing suppliers. Despite it is rich in challenges and difficulties when conducting sourcing globally. Social Responsibility is one of indispensable factors to be considered. Balancing Social Responsibility and Business Benefits is the real challenges for Burberry If Burberry does not manage its supply chain correctly, it would lose profits because they are providing products at lower costs than its competitors, so they must also receive lower prices from its suppliers.Therefore, the supply chain of every company should not be overlooked as it may lead to a loss in profits, revenues, and even the company itself. 8. 0. Reference Burberry Group Plc. (2012, Nov 09). Retrieved from Burberry – Iconic British Luxury Brand Est. 1856: http://www. burberryplc. com/ Chan, Chi Kin, and Lee, H. W. J. Successful Strategies in Supply Chain Management. Penns ylvania: Hershey, 2005. Chopra, Sunil and Meindl, Peter. Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, . New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, 2007. Supply Chain |Module Number: MO0358 | |Strategic Supply Chain Management | |(Individual Project) | INTRODUCTION 1. 1 Objective â€Å"Supply chain management = Order to Cash. As my group project is about Burberry supply chain management so I would like to further explain it here and show you how Burberry successes after apply supply management. 1. 2 The Background of BURBERRYBURBERRY is established in London, United Kingdom in 1865 by Thomas Burberry. The Business concept of Burberry is â€Å"Fashion & Luxury†. At the end of 2007, Burberry started supply chain management in their business and hope that can delivered luxury and lifestyle product to customers at more than 208 concessions within department stores and digital commerce, plus 44 outlets and 192 mainline stores over the world and Burberry employs more than 30,000 people to operate the business smoothly.Burberry offers fashion for women, men, and children, also sells their own-brand beauty, cosmetics and perfume. Burberry has ow n factory at London Castleford but just produce trench coat and some core items. And now Burberry buys its goods from around 100 independent supplies, mostly in Asia and Europe. Burberry corporate with suppliers to develop long-term, sustainable social and environmental standards in the factories for produces Burberry high quality products. Burberry reaches the customers through two sales channels: stores and online.The store is the most important for Burberry as the customers can see the product, try it on and feel the products. Burberry is expanding their business new offerings and via new channels such as internet/ online business, the advantages of offering new channel are customers able to shop online, it can to let customers have the freedom of choice to choose the sales channel that suits customer best at that moment. Burberry stores are spread all over the world. It can be found in United Kingdom, Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia.And according to their annual report China will be their very critical regions for their business so Burberry plans to establish more stores in China in the coming year. Burberry is growing not only by turning to customers in new stores and new places. It is at least equally important that the company continually develops. Their fashion categories are including menswear, womenswear and childrenswear. Fragrance & beauty category was in the leading position of the Asia market two years ago. Accessories category contains eyewear, scarves, watches and bags. Supply chain managementAccording to Mentzer, et al (Ballou, 2004), â€Å"Supply chain Management (SCM) is defined as the systematic, strategic coordination of the traditional business functions and the tactics across these business functions within a particular company and across businesses within the supply chain, for the purpose of improving the long-term performance of the individual companies and the supply chain as a whole â€Å"(p. 5). In order to balance end customers' demands and the hit for profitable growth, Burberry has moved aggressively to build an efficient and successful supply chain management an efficient and successful supply chain management system.It must have five basic components that are considered and acted upon. These components can help to enhance revenue, control costs and asset utilization as well as customer satisfaction. They are including planning, sourcing, make, delivery, and return which is same as the supply chain of Burberry flows from ideas and design, production, distribution centre, call-off, store, finally to the customer. In this paper, each of these components will be discussed in the following paragraphs. 3. 0 Planning First step of supply chain management is planning .The planning component is critical to the success of a good supply chain management system. Therefore, from Burberry year annual report, we can see Burberry do reviews their brand performance of business each year and well plan for next year. Also they will review by each season to make sure everything planned are on tracked. Refer to Burberry 2007 annual report we noticed they mentioned will start supply chain management and also put a lot of money to buy SAP system as their only platform of their system in order to bring Burberry business to globalization.It shows the main objective to any strategy a business industry chooses should be to have materials available at all times in order to ensure the smooth flow of care for their business while keeping costs under control. At the beginning of season, Burberry sourcing team and product development, quality control, designer , merchandising planning and buyers will have big meeting to review what the trend is , product and material will be launched for next season in order to plan the strategy.Buyer also will give souring team an approximately order quantity for souring team to give factory in order to prepare raw material, trims†¦ etc , to shorten lead-ti me and to have materials available at all times in order to ensure the smooth flow of care while keeping costs under control. 4. 0. Sourcing 4. 1. Raw material Burberry applies cost management and quality control monitor in their supply chain system; Cost is the key factors determining Burberry more successful in the fashion changing market. †The raw materials are sourced locally in different regions for example: China, Korea, Thailand and Japan.Benefit is can save the transportation cost and expenses with similar quality. Burberry souring team will negotiate the cost with supplier by using long term business, letter of credit and payment in time in order to make sure they can have better price to hit target. However, product quality will be enhanced in terms of through sourcing better production technologies and new materials internationally. The purposes of sourcing are to know or explore more new suppliers with advanced Garment Production System/ Technology which able to a ccelerate the production speed so that shorten the lead-time.In addition, that strategy can stimulate the inter-specific competition among the existing suppliers by the importing new suppliers. Existing suppliers will contact Burberry actively and offer the attractive conditions with the aim of getting Burberry orders. That is the most effective method controlling the price and maintains the high product quality of global souring 4. 2. Quality Control Burberry is a luxurious brand in fashion industry and in order to maintain high quality products to their customers, all suppliers and manufactures are needs to meet AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) standard with 2. requested by Burberry. AQL 2. 5 means if an order is 10,500 units, they want a 2. 5 AQL they can have 14 defective units or less from the 315 that they inspect. Moreover, suppliers need to submit lab test report to prove quality sell to Burberry are good and no harm for customer . To provide good quality material for making h igh quality final goods, Burberry based on china garment rules and international standard to make a standard and all supplier need to follow it to do the testing, if fail in the testing result, suppliers and manufacturers might be cannot carry on or allow to process orders in the next season.Burberry QC team will also regularly by month or by week to inspect supplier and factories in order to make sure their provided product can meet Burberry standard. However, even AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) standard with 2. 5 and lab test report applies on all Burberry products and AQL 2. 5 is very high standard but still have defective items can be found . 5. 0. Make Under supply chain strategy, the process of â€Å"Make†is to provide high quality products in lower cost, so that Burberry can save the cost to gain more profit. 5. 1. Co-markershipBurberry has their own standard on selecting raw material suppliers, which also limited the number of suppliers, this can help them to have a better control on the product quality. Burberry has more than 200 independent suppliers for outsource the production. Burberry has good reputation in maintaining the relationship with all suppliers, by producing Burberry luxury product, stable order volume, guarantee payment and letter of credit etc. Furthermore, Burberry always communicates and reviews the action plan with suppliers every season.To enhance the relationship with suppliers, the key factor is to have a good coordination and linkage with them. Burberry frequently provide training program for vendors, in order to maintain their production standard. What is more , Burberry has a regular appraisal to suppliers, which provide feedback to suppliers for better improvement. The production sites of Burberry are global sourced from over the world such as China, Turkey, Thailand, Macau, Singapore, Portugal, Romania and Hong Kong.The advantage is to essentially cut down the labor expenses, with the bulk production so that enhanci ng Burberry at the competitive position in the global fashion Industry by maximizing the margin of profit to the fashion business. For selecting new vendors/suppliers for cooperate business, Burberry has carries out auditors (internal and external) to evaluate the supplier’s qualification before cooperating The criteria including lead time, quality, quantity, safety, guarantee, availability and flexibility etc, especially Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) standard.Any supplier cannot approve by Burberry CSR team, Burberry will not allow that factory to produce their product to ensure Burberry product meet on high quality and corporate social responsibility. However, Burberry is not easy to find qualified supplier because Burberry respect the rules and some developing countries cannot meet Burberry regulation such as safety working environment, labor children, illegal pay and abuse , these problems are always found in these countries.Moreover, safety working environment, h ealthy and compliance with local environmental legislation also are the other challenges for Burberry because they found that most developing countries do not formulate the occupational safety and health regulation and environmental organization. These countries do not install the legitimate fire device in the factory or build up a health and safety working place for the staffs, it absolutely disobey the rules of Burberry. Brand image will be also affected by these negative news.When souring new supplier Burberry facing the political environment problem. For example in Thailand, they do not have a stable business environment. The anti-government demonstration caused the Bangkok city in turmoil. It made factory cannot ship out any goods from the airport. As long as riddled with corruption, unstable public security, terrorism and robbery always happened. We can see that these factors might not provide stable business environment for producing Burberry product. And Burberry also will c onsider kind of factors to choose supplier.To solve these problems, I would like to suggest Burberry don’t put all orders in 1 supplier in order unstable conditional happen again. The fighting sources with competitors as also one of the challenges for Burberry as Burberry share some factory‘s capacity with others fashion brand for example: Polo Jeans, Armani exchange, Marks and Spencer, Gap and J. Crew etc. Therefore, Burberry needs to keep a good relationship with all suppliers to ensure sufficient providing source. 5. 2. Outsource Burberry has 3 global licensing agreements of fragrance and beauty (by interparfums), watches (by Fossil) and eyewear (by Luxottica).In order to make sure the quality of non-apparel products are in a high standard, all licensing can provide professional knowledge and technology of product and it can helps Burberry reduce cost on innovation for non-apparel products. Burberry sourcing teams, quality control teams and CSR team work closely with these partners on product development, quality control, CSR, marketing and distribution activities, and will conduct regular reviews to ensure compliance with the term of its license agreements.Outsource for Burberry is very important because Italy’s fragrance and beauty is expertise because they have long history in this field so it is the best in the world, the eyewear technology in Guangdong, China is the best and reasonable. Hence, Burberry enables to sell the licensing to them in order to maintain better quality. 5. 3. Information System – SAP According to Burberry globalized organization, Burberry has 444 worldwide retail shop and over 31 countries operation. Therefore, different parties will create a lot of information of product.Burberry supply chain system is a technology that to improve information to become more systematic. Started from 2008, SAP is the only system platform for Burberry; it can help to collect information, data and share within the organiza tion. It also can monitor the delivery schedule to ensure everything are on tracked. SAP system is the market and technology leader in business software solutions, providing comprehensive business software through SAP applications, services and support. SAP can manage system and analysis at the same time, It helps Burberry to draw data and use this platform to do an analysis of brand performance.This information can help making decision by the management team to increase competitive advantages, such as production life cycle analysis, raw material forecasting, marketing planning and inventory review. So that everything can be counted and measured by using SAP system. Famous and international company would prefer using SAP system, as these company has different branch office over the world. By using SAP system can help they no limitation on different district. 6. 0. Delivery Transportation is one of the main processes of delivering and distributing goods.It may involve more than one p lace during the transportation, such as place to store and place to sell. 6. 1. SAP system In Burberry, SAP provides a systematic format to handle information transmission, and it brings a dramatic impact to Burberry. For example, SAP system has an accurate control on the raw material lead time, which means factories have plenty of time on mass production; consequently, it reduces shipment delay. Furthermore, due to the well control on the production period, Burberry has plenty of time to ship the goods by sea instead of air.The most obvious outcome is the reduction of logistic cost. 6. 2. DHL 3rd party Moreover, Burberry is in collaboration with DHL 3rd party global to in charge of final goods delivery. They are responsible to collect final goods from different factories, and providing direct delivery service to relative DHL Global center (UK, USA, Spain ,HK), then they distribute the goods to local retail stores. Due to this professional & tailor-make service provided by DHL, Burb erry reduces the need for warehousing at destination, which means this part of expenses can be reduced.Even though worldwide retail shops and operation offices are closed after work, DHL can provide 24 hours logistic services and its reliable customs clearance, which can help to speed up the delivery process, so it can secure the delivery time. For example, new product can be launched in the retail store in time, quick move inventory to distribution centers by special requested. 7. 0. Return Nowadays customer would like to have a pleasant shopping experience, they all don’t like to return to retail outlets or companies. Customers want to have sales approaches, lowest price and friendly service for every product.Consumer prefers more and would like to shop at one stop shopping centers. Burberry is using some of the supply chain techniques to cut costs like given vendor to manage the inventory by using inventory tracking and sales in individual stores and cross-docking fast-mov ing items. Now, Burberry has more convenience, selections, and reasonable price 8. 0. Conclusion In my opinion , Burberry applies â€Å"supply chain management†is a important and correct direction because it can offers a great deal of benefits including sourcing , reduce cost , quality control, product category and quality advantages to Burberry fighting with its competitors.In refer to Burberry annual report, their business are going up and up. It is very vital for Burberry continuously maintaining high reputation . As well as Burberry are facing some competitions in sourcing suppliers directly , so needs to find others or potential suppliers to cooperate To ensure the good relationship between supplier with better price, Burberry should keep the stable and regular ordering in long term. This could highly enhance its bargaining power.In order to having the good quality and lowering the cost (to enjoy more profits) at the same time, Burberry need to do more research on findi ng good suppliers and manufactories in different countries. Even it has long historical experience; Burberry should keep doing research and catch up with the new/ latest trend Burberry also need to shorten the lead-time from the process of supply chain progress . In order to meet the demand and needs in the future. I think that Burberry need to shorten the lead-time of manufacturing and transporting time such as pre-book some raw material.In constant, the challenges of global sourcing are some uncertain factors need to be manage and consider in selecting the suppliers from different country, e. g. political environment, country’s textile quotas and exchange rate. To manage those risks, the top management requires long term perspective in defining the company’s goal and strategy. In order to implement global sourcing successfully, it also requires the experience and commitment of the management in managing the risks and understanding the foreign regulations.In addition, H outsources all the production to over 200 suppliers, Burberry needs to maintain the good and long-term relationships with all the existing suppliers. Despite it is rich in challenges and difficulties when conducting sourcing globally. Social Responsibility is one of indispensable factors to be considered. Balancing Social Responsibility and Business Benefits is the real challenges for Burberry If Burberry does not manage its supply chain correctly, it would lose profits because they are providing products at lower costs than its competitors, so they must also receive lower prices from its suppliers.Therefore, the supply chain of every company should not be overlooked as it may lead to a loss in profits, revenues, and even the company itself. 8. 0. Reference Burberry Group Plc. (2012, Nov 09). Retrieved from Burberry – Iconic British Luxury Brand Est. 1856: http://www. burberryplc. com/ Chan, Chi Kin, and Lee, H. W. J. Successful Strategies in Supply Chain Management. Penns ylvania: Hershey, 2005. Chopra, Sunil and Meindl, Peter. Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, . New Jersey: Upper Saddle River, 2007.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Benefits of Preschool for Your Toddler
How Beneficial is preschool for your toddler? Jane M. Rentas Barry University Author Note This paper was prepared for English 202 taught by Dr. Louise Rogers How beneficial is preschool for your toddler? Preschool is an early childhood program in which children combine learning with playing in a program run by professionally trained adults. Children are most commonly enrolled in preschool between the ages of two through five years old..Preschools are different from your traditional daycare in that their emphasis is learning and development rather than enabling parents to work or pursue other activities. In addition to being called preschool, these programs are known by other names, including child care, day care, and nursery school. They vary widely in their setting, format, and educational requirements. Preschools may meet all-day or half-day, either every day or just a few days per week. They could be sponsored by a church, operate as an independent non-profit, or run for profit.Th ey may be part of the public school system or part of the Federal Head Start program. Before 1960, the education of young children was the responsibility of families within the home. As of 2004, most young children in the United States spend some of their days apart from their parents. Most children attended some sort program like Headstart, Daycare or VPK prior to kindergarten. The enrollment rate for four-year-olds in 2001 was almost the same as the enrollment rate for five-year-olds in 1970. There are several factors that influence this dramatic change.One factor being a rise in the numbers of mothers working outside of the home, a decline in the size of families which leads more parents to turn to preschools as a social outlet for their children, and a desire to give children a head start academically. The higher the income and educational level of the parents, it is more likely that their child will attend preschool. As the years go by, we will see an increase of children atten ding preschool because of the substantial increase of governmental support for programs targeting children in low-income households.According to the National Institute for Early Education Research, the types of teaching activities and classroom emphases that contribute to a high-quality early education for children include the opportunities to learn persistence when working at tasks, direction following, and good listening skills, focus on language and literacy skills, as well as interactive book reading, emphasis on teaching children problem-solving skills and opportunities for preschoolers to engage in music and art. The greatest academic and social progress seen in preschools is in children from deprived backgrounds.Most children in preschool are not disadvantaged, and some researchers believe the same gains of attending preschool can be done at home by providing them educational toys, games, movies and books for the child. In some preschools, the ability of groups might mean tha t children will not receive the one on one attention they require. This is a major risk if the preschool does not follow the National Association for the Education of Young Children's recommended teacher-to-child ratio of no more than ten preschoolers per staff member.One-on-one instruction is an advantage parents will not likely find in any preschool. There are other opportunities for playing with other children that exist in churches, clubs, and other sports, where the child can learn social skills. Some believe that what children need most is lots of playing and free time and close interaction with their parents something that may be affected if the child is away from home for long periods of time. Another disadvantage is that some children experience acute separation anxiety, which indicates that they are not yet ready to make the transition to the environment of preschool.Many programs also expect the child to be toilet-trained , which is a milestone that not all children have at the preschool age. Parents considering sending their child to preschool should investigate several different ones and consider many factors before choosing one. Parents should also realize that in spite of the potential advantages that preschool may have, preschool may not be for every child. Parents can also find and research alternative ways of introducing their child to early academic skills and social activities.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How a Penny Can Make Wine Smell and Taste Better
How a Penny Can Make Wine Smell and Taste Better Before you throw out that bottle of funky-smelling wine, try a simple chemistry life hack to fix it. Its super easy and all you need is a penny! How to Fix Smelly Wine With a Penny First, find a penny. Clean it up by rinsing it off and polishing off any grime.Pour yourself a glass of wine.Drop in the clean penny and swirl it around in the glass.Remove the penny. You dont want to accidentally swallow it!Now, inhale the improved aroma and drink the wine.Drink more wine. Youre so clever, youve earned it. How the Penny Trick Works Wine can smell stinky because it contains sulfur compounds called thiols. A burnt rubber odor comes from a thiol called ethyl mercaptan. Eau de rotten eggs comes from hydrogen sulfide. If your wine smells like someone put out a match in it, thats from a thiol named methyl mercaptan. The thiols are in the wine as a natural consequence of grape fermentation. During fermentation, the sugars from the fruit juice undergo reduction, which involves the loss of oxygen. In stale, old wine or some cheap wine, the process kicks into overdrive, resulting in so much thiol the wine becomes unpalatable. Heres where the penny comes to the rescue. While pennies are mostly zinc, the outer shell contains copper. The copper reacts with thiols to produce copper sulfide, which is odorless. Since the senses of smell and taste are connected, removing the stench dramatically improves both the aroma and perceived flavor of the wine. Save Your Wine With Silver Looking for a classier way to fix your wine? You can get the same deodorizing effect by stirring your wine with a silver spoon. If you dont have a silver spoon, try a sterling silver ring. Just remember to remove it before imbibing.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Writing Skills Training 10 Free Online Courses
Writing Skills Training 10 Free Online Courses Writing Skills Training: 10 Free Online Courses Get essential knowledge and master surfing through a variety of informational texts, writing styles and brilliant ideas! Start writing where you are! OpenLearning Want to move from writing simple passages to detailed writing? Participate in the training program suggested by Simon Williams and learn more via OpenLearning! This course is called Scribble: Writing for New Writers. It is highly effective! Get essential knowledge from a true expert! Use practical tips and develop fast, effective research skills! Discover useful tips – they surely will help you to make your online communication more efficient! This training course will show you ways to make your writing powerful and clever. Duke University In case you are interested in the methods of direct interaction with readers, Duke University together with Denise Comer offers a marvelous opportunity to effectively and effortlessly learn English Composition. Learn to meet the readers expectations by exploring a topic in detail, providing a visual analysis or a case study. The course will show you how to provide effective arguments and to create powerful prose, as well as how to ask thought-provoking questions and lead animated discussions. Mt. San Jacinto College The course Crafting an Effective Writer: Tools of the Trade (Fundamental English Writing) developed by Lawrence Barkley and Ted Blake from Mt. San Jacinto College will offer deep insight into sentence building by means of complex phrases and correct punctuation. Moreover, you will learn how to arrange sentences into well-organized passages. Michigan University Thinking Like a Writer is another training course guided by Jeff Grabill and Julie Lindquis from Michigan University. Follow the guidelines presented in the course and learn to utilize effective strategies for learning, reading and writing. Practicing narration and summary will also be beneficial for your writing skills, as well. University of California, Berkley The next option contains plenty of tips for essay writing. Maggie Sokolik, University of California, Berkley, designed a training course that consists of two parts – How to Write an Essay and English Grammar and Essay Writing. Writing involving paragraphs, developing introductions and formulating conclusions require grammatical accuracy and good self-editing skills. Consider an optional course book and be able to compose an essay after taking this part of the course. Its easy to compose great essays! The second part of the course is called English Grammar and Essay Writing. It will give you a nice opportunity to broaden your writing experience. Your English language skills will increase very quickly. Cardiff University Theres also nice possibilities for students who take an interest in journalistic writing. Community Journalism: Digital and Social Media is a training course designed by Richard Shambrook, Cardiff University. The number of websites is growing day by day; you can easily get access to a wide audience! Create a community site and use the benefits of publishing online! Share experiences with site launchers from the Center of Community Journalism and learn more about identifying your target audience, creating flashy content, media, law ethics, and managing your own online community. University of California As an active member of the human race, you may have a strong desire to influence social changes. Join Daniel Heimpel from University of California and take the course J4SC101x: Journalism for Social Change. Master solution-based journalism. The key issues covered in that course are: child protection, poverty, communities and foster care. University of Iowa Writing fiction is also a field that attracts a wide audience. Christopher Merrill from the University of Iowa offers a great training course How Writers Write Fiction! Get acquainted with it and consider creative writing as an international study! Feel a part of the international writing community! The agenda for this online course suggests you will be able to take part in live discussions, get assignments and learn to post your works on websites. Commonwealth Education Trust The training course Writing for Young Reader: Opening the Treasure Chest with Maria Gill and David Hill from Commonwealth Education Trust may seem highly involving for those students who are willing to write stories for children. Find out more about working out the plot, creating the setting, and describing the characters. Entice young learners to follow your every word! University of Sheffield Need applied writing skills for your career? Get the answer to your request from University of Sheffield! A group of well-trained experts – Pamela Hafekost, Hilary Jones, Alison Clay, Marcus Zientek, Steve McCarthy – are ready to share their knowledge and practical experience with you. Participate in a three-week course How to Succeed at: Writing Applications. The skills you get there will help you to write a successful profile, CV, or application. The basic rules of applied writing will support you in learning how to make a brilliant writing presentation of your knowledge, skills and intentions! Its easy to make your writing skills sharper! Become a part of the custom writing community and brighten the world with sparkling ideas!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
David cole interviews dr franciszek piper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
David cole interviews dr franciszek piper - Essay Example During the interview with the tour guide, Alisha, it was clear that some amount of deception was being practiced on the part of the tour guides on all the tours. It turns out they were trained and instructed to educate tourists in a manipulative manner with the use of inaccurate information. It was further observed that the buildings at the museum such as the so called ‘homicidal’ gas chambers have been reconstructed and yet are being passed off as originals by officials. During the interview with a rather reluctant Dr. Piper, the same questions were directed to him as the tour guide and the information he presented was totally different and rather convincing. However, he too provided some information surrounded with some amount of ambiguity. One of the main contributors of the holocaust theory was the gas chambers, which was said to homicidally end the lives of many, except its victims were clothes and mattresses to combat the lice infestation. (They don’t tell tourists this on the tour) David Cole’s analysis proved that the evidence to support the holocaust theory is extremely limited. Reason for this is the piles of shoes and clothes put on as exhibits passed off as properties of the victims of the holocaust have a perfectly logical explanation. The closest they have for evidence for this theory are eye witnesses and post war confessions. The video further denotes that holocaust experts have claimed that the amount of people said to have perished at Auschwitz Prison was over 4 million, a number which was refuted during the interview with Piper. Piper then concluded that the number was in fact closer to 1.1
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